Monday, September 23, 2013

Put Yourself In A State Of Peace And Tranquility.

Did you know being at peace is soothing and healthy? 

Being stressed out most all the time is not healthy, and definitely not a happy lifestyle. If stress is allowed to consume you... physical, mental, or emotional sickness can surely follow. It's true!

Understandably, stress is all around us during these difficult and trying times we live in. There are depressing world and national events, tough conditions in the work place, demands of family life, and personal trauma... none of which make life easy and pleasant. 

Even though we can find no solutions it doesn't mean we have to live our lives as a basket case. 

I am in the same boat as everyone, but I control my life and the stress, because I choose to remain strong in dealing with my challenges.

Here's what I do:

First... I am not a Zen Buddhist - although I know how calm it makes their life. 

Second... It is not always practical to pick up and physically go to some place that makes me feel good. 

Third... my home may be in disarray, and the beach, forests, and mountains may be inconveniently too far away to enjoy their sanctuary. Meditation might help if only I could quiet my mind, which is a relentless chatter box. 

I can, however, create a picture in my mind of a wonderful relaxing place like either of the two pictures shown here. Whether it is a calming room, or a secluded beach all to myself... I create such images and file them into my memory, 

Then, I can bring them back to mind anytime I feel stressed out. It automatically soothes me with an interlude of peacefulness where I can better face my challenges in a stress-free frame of mind.

Ponder on these pictures and see what I mean. Try out these images or any others of choice to see how good it feels being there, when needing to be there, and how it takes the pressure off - even if for a little while. The trick is to do it as often as needed.

This is good advice. Consider it poor man's therapy, and don't dismiss it before really giving it a go, because it works.

Please share with me your comments, thoughts, and experiences, and feel free to share this post with everyone you choose.

In serenity, health and strength,

Steve Kerner

Becoming Extraordinary
By Loving Life Through People

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