Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lonely? Here's One Way To Solve That Feeling

Are you alone and feel lonely all too often? 
Has family moved away? 
Have friends disappeared?
Do you find it difficult making new relationships?
Do you want the loneliness to go away?

In this post I suggest a beautiful solution to make you, and others, feel really good about yourselves.

Yesterday, Saturday, was my granddaughter's birthday. She reached the age of eight - going on fifteen of cause. Everyone in the family attended; and it was a joyful fun filled occasion being surrounded by so many close and happy people. It made me feel fortunate and glad to be part of this special little girl's life.

Being a writer - thoughts always come calling. In my book "Over 50... A Divorced Man's Point Of View" (now being edited) I am having conversation with other men and women my age who are stuck in their lives because of... whatever the reason. In the book I talk about loneliness and what to do about it, and much much more. But I digress.

At the birthday party, I found myself thinking about men and women who feel lonely so often. Such folks would welcome a good suggestion. Let me share an awesome idea. See if it makes sense to you.

Here is what I'm thinking:

If you're lonely - why not volunteer and become a big brother for a fatherless or deprived child? With all your knowledge and life experiences - imagine how you could influence some youngster in fulfilling its potential. How incredible would that be, especially in these difficult times we live in? You could help by being with them, sharing your knowledge, and pointing them onto a path to big things. 

What a satisfying service to give of yourself. And, if you choose to do this, how lonely will you remain? You won't have time for loneliness any longer.

If you are interested in giving of yourself... here's what to do:

Go to the Big Brothers Big Sisters website... check it out and volunteer to start something. You won't regret it.

Please share with me your comments, thoughts, and experiences, and feel free to share this post with everyone you choose.

Breaking through the fog of the doldrums,

Steve Kerner

Becoming Extraordinary
By Loving Life Through People

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