Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving To All - Be Thankful - Eat Well - Be Happy

Are you celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends?

On such occasions it's so nice being together with the ones we love - and who love us - while giving thanks for shared blessings.

Now's a good time to take a moment and give generous consideration to someone who is alone on this special holiday. Consider inviting them to be with you. It's a kind gesture that will be appreciated... and there is usually enough food for all. It will make both your hearts feel good.  

As Thanksgiving day draws near... culinary celebrations will abound. Succulent temptations may throw us off our diets and health protocols. For sure we will feel the effects of abundant eating several days after the deed. These occasions may be acceptable cheat days, but let's give our good health the benefit of moderation. Keep in mind that combining foods which normally do not digest well together affects our health.

I have a wonderful childhood memory of a family Thanksgiving dinner with aunt Flo and uncle Bill. They were my parent’s long time Italian-American friends and their Thanksgiving celebrations were happy festivals consisting of eating, resting, and laughter.  

These are my pictorial memories of what aunt Flo served during a feast which lasted six hours: 


Each incredibly delicious course was separated with a lengthy breather to allow digestion, conversation, music, and games. 

First course: Cheese with wine.

Second course: Platters of antipasto salads. 

Third course: Pasta and tomato sauce. 

Fourth course: Meatballs, braciole, sausage. 

Fifth course: Turkey, vegetable stuffing, vegetables. 

Sixth course: Pastries, fruit, coffee.
Aunt Flo must have known a little about food combining. To the best of her ability she combined this with that, but not that with this. Good we had the rest of the year to recuperate.


Have a great Thanksgiving, but do celebrate wisely.

Over 50... A Divorced Man's Point Of View
Becoming Extraordinary By Loving Life Through People


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