Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Enticing Foods To Beware Of

Do you love hamburgers? They are a great American artery clogging, heart stopping, celebratory food feast? Yum!!! So good... maybe you can have one once a year on a special occasion to satisfy your emotions and taste buds. But buyer beware because eating too many - while satisfying your emotions - will truly tick off your body, and over time it will have its revenge on you.

But culinary creativity is an art form to be admired. Check out 25 extraordinary hamburger creations at the link below: 

Challenge yourself to create one of these beauties in a healthy way, using healthier ingredients. You can, and it will taste delicious. Your body, and emotions, and taste buds will be pleased. You might live longer to enjoy more of them. 

~ Steve - Over 50... A Single Man's Point Of View ~


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