Can you imagine how extraordinary you would feel creating within yourself the sense of calm and serenity portrayed by this beautiful picture? It is an awesome representation by which to imagine yourself tranquil and at peace while living, working, and playing in an oftentimes sad and demanding world.
We call this incredible state of mind 'Home Base', and you will discover that it is a perfect place to be while successfully attending to the challenges of the day. Consider it as your landing place in which to celebrate your new successes, accomplishments, and home runs. And, if need be... it will also serve you well as a soft place to fall while healing the emotional wounds endured on the game-field of life. The magic of it is - that it is yours, it is private, and only you decide who to invite in.
This state of mind will become your foundation upon which to re-discover that the living of life is the meaning of life, no matter how difficult it may sometimes be. It is your anchor from which to reflect upon things and plan new ways on your life's journey. From this state of assuredness come sparks of imagination for new and uniquely creative ideas.
Not everyone has the luxury of such a special physical environment. So creating 'Home Base', as a frame of mind, residing within you, is as essential as the air you breathe, because you can take it wherever you go... on the ocean fishing, at the beach swimming, in the park walking, or even relaxing on your favorite chair reading a great book while sipping coffee.
Home Base is further explored in Chapter 12 of the author's book entitled 'SUDDENLY SINGLE & OVER 50'.
Becoming Extraordinary By Loving Life Through People
~ Steve Kerner - Over 50... A Divorced Man's Point of View ~