Welcome To My World And What I Figured Out!
Steve Kerner is a regular guy like everyone else. He is an American man who has witnessed over 50 years of life events that were terrific, sometimes only average, and other times – well, forget about it. Does this sound similar to anyone you know?
Like others, Steve played the role of happy prince early in life – only to become stuck, after losing status, position, finances, and family. Life stood still. It was in neutral, causing frustration and unhappiness – and there was no clue on how to move forward.
However, he succeeded breaking through the fog of the doldrums by re-inventing himself with a new philosophical and practical mindset - that served him well with a good sense of humor, happiness, and a satisfaction about who he is.
Favorite things:
- Family
- Being with intelligent & nice people
- Discovering new things
- Writing and reading
- Music – Classical, Blues, Soft Jazz, and Doo-Wops
- Architecture, design, and art
- Camping & target shooting
- Motorcycles
- Health research
- EFT, hypnosis, and NLP
- Quantum physics, and metaphysics
- Huna
- Rooting for the home team, or the underdog
- Good cigars and libations
- Cooking, eating, and celebrating
- Someone else cleaning up (lol)