About The Author

Welcome To My World And What I Figured Out!

Steve Kerner is a regular guy like everyone else. He is an American man who has witnessed over 50 years of life events that were terrific, sometimes only average, and other times – well, forget about it. Does this sound similar to anyone you know?

Like others, Steve played the role of happy prince early in life – only to become stuck, after losing status, position, finances, and family. Life stood still. It was in neutral, causing frustration and unhappiness – and there was no clue on how to move forward.

However, he succeeded breaking through the fog of the doldrums by re-inventing himself with a new philosophical and practical mindset - that served him well with a good sense of humor, happiness, and a satisfaction about who he is.

There is good thinking to share with you on many matters and topics... and Steve's point of view has been shaped, and forged, by all his experiences and challenges in life. Many of you will be interested in what will be said here. And, there is a book about all this in the works.

Favorite things:

  • Family
  • Being with intelligent & nice people
  • Discovering new things
  • Writing and reading
  • Music – Classical, Blues, Soft Jazz, and Doo-Wops
  • Architecture, design, and art
  • Camping & target shooting
  • Motorcycles
  • Health research
  • EFT, hypnosis, and NLP
  • Quantum physics, and metaphysics
  • Huna
  • Rooting for the home team, or the underdog
  • Good cigars and libations
  • Cooking, eating, and celebrating
  • Someone else cleaning up (lol)