Friday, July 19, 2013

Change Your Routine - Mix It Up - Shake It Up

Do you ever change your routine? Does everything always have to be the same... day in, day out?  Life becomes tedious, boring, repetitive, and predictable if you don't change it and mix things up. 

The benefit of change will be that your typical life agenda, and thinking, will no longer be cast in stone. Flexible agendas, and you along with it, become more interesting. Something unexplainable happens that removes the tedium and perks you up. It adds spice to your life. Give it a shot! 

Start with small things: 

If you always put your left shoe on first... start putting your right shoe on first. If you shave before you shower... reverse it. Rather than going to bed every night at 10:00 pm... sometimes hit the hay at 1:00 am, and sleep until noon. Once in a while eat breakfast for lunch and dinner for breakfast. Change off your shopping days, and more.

You can make a multitude of changes, small or big. Mix it up and change your routine, concentrate on being a new person every day, because you will create the freedom of not being predictable. People will not be able to pin you down or stereotype you... Create a mystery about yourself, and keep them guessing. 

How's this for a change in routine? A gal friend mentioned that she recently quit her job, retrieved her 401k, and will be using half of it to finance a month long trip to Peru with her husband. Now that's a bold and exciting change in routine. Is she worried about future circumstances? Absolutely not, because she knows that she is at all times protected by the Universe (God) and she has never been forsaken in her belief. We all should feel and live that way.




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