Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Musing On Reality – An Essay
Steve Kerner

Becoming Extraordinary By Loving Life Through PeopleJune, 2015

I look everywhere… out my window, through the door… through eyes onto a busy world I am eager to explore.  I witness a busy parade of people passing by, things and wondrous events. I ponder on what it all means.  Are there messages and insights gained from these experiences I muse upon?  What is learned from them… or do they learn from me?  I continue to wonder and the wondering never ceases.

Through the filters of my senses, volumes of data and sensations come into me for rational consideration or fancy imaginings.  Impressions of gentle butterflies, fierce animals and a vast array of crawling critters must have purpose in my reality.  Many bring pleasure and delight, others cause surprise and fright.  The world appears strange and busy even when seeming isolated and empty.

Many experiences come and go - even to return in different forms creating new outlooks for other moments in time.  Where do these experiences come from; and when I’m finished with them… where do they go?  The happiest and saddest ones stay in memory the longest time, only being set aside and forgotten after taking back the energy I attached to them long ago.

The most delightful experiences linger for only precious moments.  I wish they stay longer before becoming memories.  Perhaps their agenda is to only come and say hello.  Do those experiences follow me or do I chase after them?  Perhaps this dance of life is orchestrated by others?  If so, who are they? Why are their rules chosen for me; are they doing a good job?  Deep within I know the rules are all mine. They are of my creation.
Although many questions exist unanswered, I continue life’s journey savoring its magical excitement. This journey moves me along to beckoning destinations yet unknown. Are they destinations of happenstance or ones created by my conscious thinking?  No matter; there’s no permanent place to go. Even if so, they don’t last… they change anew.  I ask if it is illusion, but receive no answer.  

I notice the journey taking precedent over the destination because the journey seems never ending.  It carries me forward, indifferent of my choices or protests, while enriching my life with new experiences and lessons. What a trip! What’s next?  I hope someplace special because I am a curious explorer… always seeking knowledge and wisdom.

In time, answers to questions asked long ago come to percolate in my consciousness. Do they satisfy the curiosity behind my observations? Can I convince anyone what I experience about anything?  I am feeble in proving the sky I see is the same glorious color as the one my companion observes while walking alongside me.  I can only prove things to myself. When someone seems in accord with my perceptions, I smile wondering if they are a fellow journeyer… also musing on the reality they witness.  And what is this journey I speak about?  It is not a road trip to a beach or hiking through the forest.  It is my consciousness of life, my awareness and awakening… all to expand and quicken my evolution. Is it my path?  Yes, and it is an interesting and spiritual roadway.    

This path has taken me far and wide, but not yet far enough.  I must have been on this path, although unaware I was riding its by-ways and high-roads as a young boy.  It’s been a roller coaster event spinning me around and up and down… like a feather in a blizzard. Today I wonder how I survived those tumultuous upheavals.  Gurus said it’s how one gets from here to there - or perhaps from there to here. I understood their meaning… and it sits well. When I abandoned the old belief systems greater insights came to grow my Soul. All of it is good and I move forward, by myself, going deeper within, trusting myself while no longer doing harm to anyone… including myself. 

During younger years of my imaginary immortality, the world and its happenings seemed fixed as bedrock for me.  There it was, never changing and its mundane delights, often so shallow of character seized by cunning, power and force… ever so concrete.  Stir up the dust and make the changes, outdo opponents and make my way.  Master the chess game of life well and win at anyone’s expense. But, it all changed and the change in my life’s direction was a revelation. It was interesting, if not painful, when those old philosophies lost their validity and importance in my thinking and doings. They no longer worked in my life. There was no satisfaction holding on to them.

I viewed my world and inquired, “Is what I perceive real”? Inner feelings suggested the map was not the territory.  How would I interpret such a strange notion?  Behold the answer! Someone said, “Look into a bucket of piss… and see God.”  What a startling remark! Centuries past provided fiery death for such heresy. Indeed, the boldness of it was a bugle call awakening me to a new belief. It had great impact, like being kicked in the head by a mule. It provided much to contemplate and my excited little ego could now gaze through its window… at a world fabricated only of God-Stuff.

Reality’s message told me there’s nothing other than God-Stuff, Divine Consciousness… and I am included in that grandeur. The map was never the territory. It’s only an illusion of which is real. The actual territory remains protected and hidden within my sensory filters - a veil protecting me from all that knowledge coming in all at once. 

I will pierce the unknown and glimpse upon my true immortality - a particle of Divine Consciousness and allow it to awaken me from the dream of myself dreaming myself. By the certainty of my Godhood and its inherent powers, the Immortal Me becomes eager to explore further realms of imaginings - as real as the one I now recognize. 

What of those new experiences to be encountered? Where are they?  They are there, existing in the Universe along with all the other experiences and perceptions of all time.  They have always been there, even the ones from my dim past, the ones of the present moment and including those far off into my endless future. The universe is economical - nothing is ever lost. 

Whether I move towards my experiences or whether they come for me depends on which step of the ladder I exist on in my evolution of lifetimes.  I suppose if my Spirit seeks more experiences here in Earth-School, it can book passage over and again for return life-learning-cycles until no longer needed.  Satiated and filled with spiritual nourishment, graduation from its excursions in and out of mortality can be celebrated. Is it that complex an issue or a simple one?  I don’t know.  Perhaps I forgot, but it doesn’t matter in this scheme of things I create in this reality of mine.

I ponder on my highest purpose and all those lives I’ve lived.  Do I have wisdom and truth to share? Yes. The essence of my life’s purpose is to create my experience in mortality. My aging physical body, simply a nature vehicle, happily transports the Immortal Me around this physical world of God-Stuff.  The Immortal Me, my Soul, my Golden One, my High Self - comes in and out of all my many life-times to learn and mature. I know it intends to awaken my God-Like attributes, so I may employ my inherent powers to create and manifest as the Divine Progenitor does… in ‘IT’s own fashion. How grand and wonderful.  

I embrace this world of physical matter and ponder on how to participate in changing it for the better... by the creative power of my positive thoughts, my imagination and desires, and by intent of my passion infused with energy. By my thoughts, my life-script can re-create into another - of my making - and more to my liking.  This may be the grandest experience of all, and the greatest lesson; to metamorphose into the likeness and essence of Divine Consciousness… again, a most excellent complement to the Divine Progenitor… my Father.   

Yes, my life is my dream; a reality concocted by my making.  Everything inside me - my thoughts, feelings and words, create my outside experience each moment of every day.  It is the factory of my perception.  It is the miracle of my mastery… to be and create by the power of my thoughts… furthering the stewardship of this beautiful mastery that is mine.         

In an Omniverse of endless Universes, I know not if all the infinite answers to life are correct.  Maybe all of them are, or just the one I choose for a particular moment in time. Never-the-less I am here to experiment with life and matter any way I choose - as a Spark of the Flame – making my Divine Father proud of Me. I will express my impeccability by navigating my reality on the wings of my intent… emulating His Essence the best I can. 

The reality I muse upon is created by me and it is eternal without end. May every human being realize their creative God-Like potential and think into existence a world of happiness, abundance and peace.  

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