Thursday, September 12, 2013

Relationships... Looking For Your Missing Link? - A Spiritual Notion

Why do we go in and out of social relationships, even marriage? Why do promising relationships end in failure? 

Breakups culminate in cordial agreement or in traumatic disdain, and the true reasons for split-ups often escape into the aether. 

Here is a spiritual explanation why people break relationships only to seek new affable partners. It is an explanation from a higher understanding of spiritually eternal truths, and worth time to ponder upon - because it makes life bigger than itself.

Most of us are familiar with the variety of reasons for discontinued relationships: sexual incompatibility, irrevocable differences, familiarity, impatience, boredom and the list goes on and on. That's how it is in the everyday physical world - concerned strictly with mundane matters.

We meet someone new in life, fall in love, get married or shack up for a couple of years... then time comes to end the social experiment. Not every relationship ends in failure, but one must wonder about couples remaining together in disinterest, disharmony, and quiet desperation - if only for the benefit of the children.

In metaphysical-spiritual philosophy there are different considerations at play, and understanding them makes for a bigger picture of life. Metaphysical teachers like William Dudley Pelley and Harold Waldwin Percival explain that Souls are the immortal, imperishable, and eternal - WE - which encases itself in flesh on each of its sojourns into physical life.

It is said long ago - in eternity - Souls were whole and sexless spirits, but having both the male and female characteristics. 

There came a time that caused a great cleavage - meaning that Souls were cleaved into two separate entities - one male, one female... hence the term Soul-mates. Since that separation of the one into two... Souls continue searching for that missing link - that counterpart of its original self. 

In our physical experiences on planet Earth, we as human beings, continue the search.

We have all heard someone say he found his Soul-mate, the other part of his missing self, only to experince a parting of the ways, and the search subconsciously continues and continues ending in breakups and disappointments because the Soul-mate was not actually found. All the earthly reasons mentioned above are nothing more than mundane excuses for subconsciously wanting to move on and find that true Soul-mate. 

Percival said that it is the destiny of all Souls to eventually come together, once again, as a single spiritual entity on the higher planes of permanence. So, we will continue ending relationships because the love of our life proved not to be our other spiritual half - and we will continue searching for as long as it takes.

Share with me your comments, opinions, and experiences.

Understanding the eternal verities,


Becoming Extraordinary
By Loving Life Through People

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