Monday, August 26, 2013

What Is Your Paradigm?

Did you know the particular paradigm in which you live and function represents the truth and basis of your reality - how you see things? It’s your model of the world.

The dictionary says a paradigm is a model, a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitute a way of viewing reality for the group that shares them.


Metaphorically, a paradigm can be described as any one of several boxes to live and think in. People of the same world-view come together inside the particular box best representing the belief system being shared.

The empathetic consultants, experts and gurus sharing space in the box provide credibility and comfort for the shared belief system embraced by everyone in the box - and that is why all the like-minded people are content to remain in that particular paradigm of thinking.

But what to do when old comfort levels no longer apply nor allow for new thinking and different views of reality? Is it then time for a paradigm shift into a new box of concepts and beliefs?

Many folks are stubborn or fearful to make a change in thinking. But the brave ones will begin peering over the top of the box to see other boxes - paradigms -  to choose from.


Exploring new paradigms can be like trying on a new fashion of clothing. You don’t readily know whether it will fit you well, if you will look good wearing it or whether you’ll like it. However, you bravely put it on and go forward with a new perspective about yourself and things in general – just to try it out. Never be fearful of changing the box – to think outside the box - because that’s called growth.

Eureka… making the change from one paradigm to another you feel reborn with a fresh start in life.

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