Saturday, August 10, 2013

Unusual But Beautiful

Do you appreciate the beauty, however unusual, of nature and people around you? Can you accept there is nothing ugly in life? Okay, maybe a little out of the ordinary at times, nevertheless still extraordinary.

Here is a pictorial example of what I mean by beauty... no matter how unusual. Mother Nature must have worked hard creating such an interesting and textural beauty such as this tree. Such individuality holds its own against any other creation in nature.

Think about how fortunate finding an interesting piece of driftwood would be. Many people appreciating great sculpture would be pleased to commission an artist to create a fabulous piece of furniture as extraordinary as this tree.

This whole thing here is metaphor for appreciating all things and all people... including yourself.  Take a little time and go to the link below and enjoy many other examples of nature's and God's exquisite handiwork. Always remember never turn aware from anyone or anything not falling into your paradigm or model of what is beautiful.


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