Monday, August 19, 2013

In The Age of Gray Hair

Do you have gray hair? Be proud of that achievement because you have made it to the age of maturity and wisdom. This is dedicated to all you gray haired guys.

That’s me on the right, with my stately mane of un-combable windblown gray hair. I know I shouldn’t complain. I try to make it look neat and shiny by rubbing in a little dab of extra virgin – first cold pressed - olive oil after showering. Someone asked if I planned to eat my hair for lunch... very funny.

Once I get my hair combed and looking presentable I use hairspray so I don’t look like I was inside a wind tunnel all day.

So, here I am a silver fox and I am going to muse on how I feel about reaching this awesome age of impeccable sophistication. 

I’ll never trade my wonderful family, friends, and life for less gray hair or a flatter belly, because a great freedom comes with gracefully aging. I’ve become less critical of myself and now I am my own best friend.

My status allows me to eat that extra cookie, leave my bed unmade, to be messy or extravagant when I choose. It is only my business if I read or play on the computer into the wee hours or cook pasta at midnight while singing along to my favorite R&B tunes of the fifties and sixties… or thumping away with Beethoven and Mahler.

I walk the beach with my pudgy belly and swim the waters with not a care about my youthful audience knowing their turn with the gray will come… hopefully in vibrant health like me.

Memories of happy times and great triumphs always prevail, while sad tragedies and disappointments fade into forgetfulness. Stressful moments and unhappiness are not permitted and if they become overbearing… I simply change the script. I know how to do that.

I am of no particular age. I am never old. I have simply put on more miles than other people. When they ask my age I respond, “I am ageless”.

My friends, as we age we become extraordinary. Make it a point to believe that... and soar with the eagles in realms of excellence.

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