Thursday, July 11, 2013

Words Of Caution - Words Of Wisdom

Do you live, without fulfillment? If no, well done and congratulations. However, many people do live in silent desperation... unsatisfied with how their lives turned out. You may know some sad campers like that, if not yourself. 

How about taking these next meaningful little messages to heart? Let them be a clarion call to help someone, even yourself, to awaken to a new dawning day of wonderful challenges. Make new promises, objectives, and commitments... going forward in life. 

Settle down with your morning cup of joe... and prioritize a 'bucket list' if only for a few reasonably happy things you'd like to do - before 'kicking the bucket'. It might be inspirational, and enjoyable, watching that 2007 movie with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman - 'The Bucket List'. That should get you going.

What greater reason is there to exist, if not to help ourselves and our fellows to discover the unknown potential residing within each of us? So, "gitrdone"... with gusto, elan, and panache. The Universe will smile upon you... because we all have the right to feel good about ourselves - to be extraordinary and bigger than life!

"git r done" - An interesting definition from the Urban Dictionary: 
The modern use of git r done was developed in the early 90's by hard working white males who reached a point in their life where they wanted to actually accomplish something in life... instead of getting completely hammered and rebuilding transmissions, they started doing projects that really mattered - projects like fixing the mailbox, cleaning the house, possibly even taking a few loads to the dump. This sudden surge of progress made these men feel good, like they were doing something. So, they had to have a way in their simple minds to reaffirm that feeling of getting something done. Thus, "GITRDONE!" was born. This can be said before a task is completed to motivate them, or after a task is completed to celebrate. It is also used profusely during the process of completing a task for no apparent reason which is very obnoxious and ambient. Often used with a drawn out "Woooooo!" yelling before or after GITRDONE!
Buck: "Hey Stew, I just mowed the lawn and weeded the old ladies' flower bed!"
Stew: "GIT R DONE!!!!!!!!!!"
Buck: "Woooooooooooooooo!"

~ Steve - Over 50... A Single Man's Point Of View ~

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