Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Are You A Risk Taker?

Do you take risks? If no, begin doing it anyway. What could happen if something doesn't work out? Guaranteed... you will not stop breathing, you will not be exiled to a life of isolation on some barren island, nor will the risk-taking police haul you off to risk-taking jail.

This was sent by my Facebook friend 
Gary Gregory: 

"Too many people "play it safe" in life. Why? What's the point in being able to sustain oneself if you never experience the joy of living out your passions or of doing something meaningful? This is why I am a risk taker. I won't chance a mundane life."

If you want to approach someone and get to know them... just do it! In your best frame of mind, with forthrightness and respect, tell them that you would like to become friendly with them. Would they say no? So what. But imagine, if they were delighted you asked, and said yes... an awesome home run!!! 

Keep this in mind... if you knew that tomorrow was your last day on planet Earth... what would you do today - that you could not do tomorrow? So, what would you have to lose? And, if on that tomorrow your trip away from planet Earth was cancelled, imagine all that you have gained by taking that risk yesterday. Believe it, and you can take this to the bank.

Steve will be talking more about this in his upcoming book,
"Over 50 - A Divorced Man's Point Of View". Stay tuned!

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